September 20, 2012

Kitchen Witch ABC's


Always stir in a clockwise motion

Before you chop veggies, offer thanks

Cut mindfully, gratefully

Do all preparations in a loving spirit

Energize food with good thoughts

Feast gratefully

Give & share what you can spare

Home & hearth are sacred

Invoke blessings of Goddess on all food

Join hands with friends often

Kindness shows in serving food

Love goes into every dish

Mindfully gather ingredients

No wasting - recycle, compost, feed animals

Open your senses, enjoy your surroundings

Play as well as work

Quench thirst, thinking of clear clean rivers

Resolve to be grateful & waste not

Salivate as you smell fragrance & anticipate flavors

Thank the Universe & Goddess for health

Use utensils carefully, then clean up

Value time spent with loved ones

When possible grow & harvest your food

Xtra food is for creative recombining
Yearly rituals & feasts build traditions

Zestful living in every area is our goal.