May 3, 2013

A Thought On Meditation

"if you have time to breathe you have time to meditate."

You breathe when you walk. You breathe when you stand. You breathe when you lie down.
Buddhist Monk Ajahn Amaro
Image Found Via Google

Yesterday, I had a discussion about meditation with a friend of mine; she says she can't quiet her mind enough to meditate. I myself have had this problem on many occasions, but when I ask someone about this problem, I was told "when meditating, if you can't quiet your mind, listen to what it is saying and use that in your meditation".

Surprisingly, this technique of listening to my mind while meditating has helped me to connect with both self and deity. Now, it did not happen over night, and I am still learning when it comes to mediation; I hope to continue honing my meditation skills and technique. I hope to master meditation one day, but I'm not there yet.

I'm don't meditate on a daily basis yet, but I do try and do it two or three times a week. I know there are people out there like my friend and myself who have problems when trying to meditate, so I have a few questions for you.

Do you meditate? 
How often do you meditate? 
Is there a special place where you meditate?
Do you have tips you could offer to help someone new to meditation?

Blessings & Namaste



  1. Thanks for a great blog Ash!!! I'm still trying!!!
    Brightest Blessings )O(

  2. I used to be a pro at meditation. Then I had my little mental breakdown a few years back and have had issues ever since. But I haven't actually heard of this type of technique, and will certainly try and use it at the next attempt! Great post! Thanks for linking up to PPBH!

