February 4, 2014

Good Books and a Snow Storm

WOW! It's February already? Where did January go?

Well, I know where part of mine went: exploring and not just anywhere but I was exploring through books. I have been spending time in Bad Ass and Ankh-Morpork with Granny Weatherwax, while rereading Equal Rights by Terry Pratchett; I have also been wickedly evil with Lestat and Louis while rereading Interview With A Vampire by Ann Rice. I have also started a new book that I am loving so far, Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman I have to say, so far Fat Charlie and Spider are quite a pair; I am looking forward to finishing this adventure with them.

Of course we spent last week having very unusual weather for the Gulf Coast, I'm talking about the snow and ice from winter storm Leon. We had loads of fun but, I'm glad we don't have weather like this all the time.

We live 15min from the Gulf Of Mexico, and we had snow. 

This little bird had fun in the snow
My dog on the other had was not sure what to think of the cold wet stuff
 I hope all of you had a great January and that your February started out wonderfully and I hope your month is blessed.

Bright Blessings



  1. Your puppy and I have the same look of bewildered disgust ! Books save the day for me as well! I love your choices, what lovely dreams they must bring! Warm Hugs from the Arctic, lol. xoDebi

    1. LOL he was very much disgusted, and he's a very happy dog now that the weather has warmed back up and the cold, white stuff is gone.

  2. The snow and the cold is getting on my nerves. But I live in New York City, I should stop complaining... but I don't, lol!

    I've been doing a bit of rereading lately: One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Thirteenth Tale, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Casual Vacancy. It's like visiting old friends... with dark secrets. ;-)

    1. I am very sympathetic Magaly, I'm so glad we don't have winter weather like that all the time, I would go crazy, I like my tropical weather to much.

      To Kill a Mockingbird is my oldest daughters favorite books :)
