October 6, 2014

Updates and Blooming Howls

I have not been posting as much as I had planned, but life has grabbed me and is holding on tight. I have been swept up into senior fever; I had no clue how hectic my oldest daughters senior year would be. Between senior meetings, filing scholarship applications, and ordering this and that. If that weren't enough, I have been trying to study, plan the her 18th birthday party running back and forth to doctors because all three girls came down with  nasty respiratory infections. I'm one tired witch; no rest for the wicked I guess.

Oh before I forget, Happy October!!! Don't forget what October means, nice cool weather, pumpkin everything, trick-or-treating, and most importantly it's time for...

Magaly is braving health issues to make sure we all have a wickedly wild October, there are several give-a-ways up already and there will be more to come leading up to the big day on the 17th. so hurry over and check them out.

Moon Greeting Cards and 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories Giveaway

I have a favor to ask, while your checking out what Magaly has to offer over at Pagan Culture, leave her some positive thoughts and healing energies or prayers. Magaly gives so much of herself to this wonderful community I think we can all give a little back to her so we can keep that wicked grin on her face :-)





  1. Ash Lynn....this is a super post for and about Ms. Magaly's Witch's in Fiction. What a wonderful friend she has in you. xoxo Oma Linda

    1. Thank you Oma Linda, as you know she is a wonderful person(can you see her wicked grin growing LOL) and I just hate know she;s in pain.

  2. And that is what keeps you YOUNG!
    Sorry to hear ALL were sick at the same time! Oh October! Our Fun time before ...
    well for me Frost Bite!
    See Ya during the celebrations! Keep smiling Mom! xoxo

    1. They definitely keep me young :-) still working on what I'm doing for Blooming Howls, I have a few ideas.

  3. You go ahead and take care of the things that need taking care of, dearest Ash. We'll be here when you come back! ♥

    1. Thanks Magaly, well my mom is back at home for now, and I'm getting a bit a of a break this weekend, so maybe I'll be able to post some or at least read some :-)
