November 1, 2014

Poppet Love and A Giveaway Winner

I have fallen in love with making poppets; not as in love as I am with my hubby or with my crystals, but still in love. The first poppet I made was a small red poppet with a backpack on it for my oldest daughter, he was made to help her make it through a tough year in math; that was 5 years ago and he still resides in her backpack and I'm guessing he'll be going to college with her in the fall.

I know he's not perfect and he's definitely showing his years, but she loves him and he does his job. 

It has been a few years in between poppets, life happened and a lot of stuff got put on the back burner including my plans for my poppets. I have toyed with the idea of making and selling them for a while now, but I don't know if anyone would be interested in buying them, so I'm going to put a poll in the right sidebar to see if anyone would be interested.

My little giveaway friend and her buddies 

Now on the giveaway..... I think for my first giveaway the number of entrants was perfect, there was a total of 13 people who entered; I love the number 13 :-)

And the Winner is.....


Please send me your mailing information at

I hope all of you had a blessed Samhain, I know we did.

Congrats Debi and Blessings to all



  1. Yippy!!! thank you Ash-Lyn!, perfect addition to my magical group!
    I love that your girl still carries her poppet with her! That is sooo special!
    Thank you I am thrilled!!! Wow! I will PM you.

  2. Congrats Debi! Ouuuuu just adore your poppets! Handmade makes everything so much more magical!

  3. I think blogger ate my comment! :/ Congrat to Debi! And yes, put those poppets out there!
