September 22, 2014

Mabon Blessings!!!

I hope today and your entire Autumn is blessed and magical!!!


September 19, 2014

Sacred, Soulful, Sexy September... Take 2


My September has not gone quite the way it was supposed to, but it hasn't been all bad either. As you know at the end of last month I decided it was time to embrace and listen to guides as well as my inner self; I decided I was going to school to become a Certified Crystal Healer, and thanks to some wonderful souls I am closer to achieving that dream, it may take me a little longer than I want but I will make this dream a reality.  

Sacred & Sexy...

As many of you know my birthday & anniversary are this month as well (yesterday & today) and I had big plans for both; well none of those plans go to happen, because they changed my husbands schedule at the last minute and he has had to work both days.

He made up for it when he got home last night/early this morning with the most wonderfully beautiful card that made me cry and then (I'll try and keep the PG LOL) he made bed time amazing and all about me; I still haven't quit smiling. Then today I get to packages with wonderful surprises inside.

The packages contained this beautiful Selenite wand and a beautiful Fluorite wand, he said he wanted to get me something that I could use now and in my future practice. Do I have a wonderful husband or what?


And for the sweetness my oldest witchlett brought home a gift for me today that she handmade for my birthday, I know it may seem simple, but I love and think I'll call her Sweetie Pie :-)

Now it's time to get ready for Mabon and some nice Fall weather, I hope all of you have an amazing weekend mine will be full of love and football and maybe a smidgen of yard work.

Many Blessings
