June 21, 2013

Happy Litha/Summer Solstice!!!

Today is June 21st the Summer Solstice. The calendar says it's the first day of summer, however it is actually Mid-Summer. The dates for our modern seasons/sabbats are based on the Gregorian calandar, but if you look back to pre-Gregorian calendars, you'll see that the dates that are currently used for beginning/end of the seasons were actually the middle.

The beginning for each season were Samhain (October 31), Imbolc (February 2), Beltane (May 1), and Lammas.

The middle of the seasons are Yule(Winter Solstice), Ostara(Spring Equinox), Litha(Summer Solstice), and Mabon(Autumn Equinox)

This beautiful pic was discovered on Google
Today was supposed to be spent in the sun and soaking up all the yummy rays the God had to give, but instead it's raining here and I stuck inside with a summer cold. I will still be doing a few small things to celebrate this wonderful day, I have candles lit, have planned a yummy salad for dinner, and will spending time in meditation later tonight.

I hope all of you have a very blessed Litha/Summer Solstice and I am truly hoping for clear skies or the 23rd so I can see the Super Moon.

Litha Blessing



  1. The Sun started shy here, it was supposed to be out at 5:24 am, but it wasn't really smiling until after 6:00 am. It's okay though, he'll be smiling for a while ;-D

    1. So glad he smiled for you, he finally peeked out from behind the clouds for about an hour this evening :) and that made my Solstice perfect.
