January 16, 2014

Butterscotch Kisses are Worth The Wait!!!

So way back on the 8th(wink-wink), I told you about my winning a necklace in a give-a-way from the magnificent Magaly over at Pagan Culture, made by the very talented Eliora. Just to remind you, the necklace was inspired by a gift that Mattalina received from Bran in Magaly's awesome book Thorn In Red.

I went out to mailbox today and found this...

This is what I found inside...

And this beauty was inside the cute box...

My photo doesn't do this beautiful creation justice; it's simply magnificent, and that butterscotch colored bead is simply delicious. Thank you Magaly & Eliora, I am honored to be its owner, 




  1. Precious treasure! Filled with Adventure and Excitement! Congratulations! xoDebi

  2. I'm so happy you love it, Ash. I just finished rereading Thorn in Red (doing research *cough, cough*), and was thinking about the necklace. Enjoy it!

    1. I do love it Magaly I only wish you had one too. Hmm research, sounds intriguing.

  3. Isn't it exciting getting parcels in the post? I love the necklace and I love Magaly's story. Thank you for sharing the excitement!

  4. Looks stunning. I am sure it looks even better on.

    1. It does look very nice one, and maybe one day when I can get myself camera ready I'll post a pic of me wearing it, but cameras hate me LOL
