April 2, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Goals and More....

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The past month(March) has been a whirl wind month. March has never been a good month for me and this year was no different. My mom was in and out of the hospital, my dad(step) was diagnosed with cancer and had 2 surgeries to remove the tumors and a piece of muscle from his leg, and I myself had dental surgery to have a tooth removed along with the roots one at a time(ouch).

Anyway March is finally gone and everyone seems to be on the mend(thank the Goddess & God). But, with all the health scares that stalked my family in March, I decided to reevaluate not just my health and lifestyle but my families as well. Let me tell you we need a change..... A Big One!!!

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So, I sat down the the hubby, and we decided that we would be changing things as far as our eating habits and the amount of exercise we get (or don't get); we have even gotten the witchletts on board. We will be starting out by getting all of the junk food out of our house, and bring in healthier choices such as fresh fruits and veggies, high fiber foods and drinking more water.

As far as exercising we will be doing a lot of walking, along with the possibility of joining a gym. We have decided to make these changes as a family, so I hope that encouragement helps make these changes easier on everyone.


I have decided to set several goals for myself for the month of April, I decided to share them here with you; these goals are both personal and for my blog.

  1. To get my house cleaned out and better organized.
  2. Get myself and my family outside for 1 hour/3 days a week.
  3. drop the 9lbs I have put back on over the winter and then lose 25 more(this is long term).
  4. Blog at least twice a week.
  5. Craft more.
  6. Set up and prepare my altar for Beltane.

Are you or have you taken any steps to live a healthier lifestyle? Whay goals have you set for the spring?

1 comment:

  1. My family is doing something similar as well! We've gone dairy & gluten free and started being more conscience of where our food is coming from. I've also started taking Hot Yoga classes and am loving it! Its all part of the 90 challenge I'm doing through my own blog! Thank you so much for linking up with Pagan Pages Blog Hop!

