October 14, 2013

It's All About Balance

Today is day 2 of All Hallow’s Grim 2013… So Good, So Dark, and I wanted to address the common thought of all things dark are evil and all things light are good; more specifically finding the balance between the two.

“Good and bad is tricky," she said. "I ain't too certain about where people stand. P'raps what matters is which way you face.” - Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad
Are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? Neither, I'm a balanced Witch. Let me explain. I believe all people not just witches have a good side and a dark side, some people only want to walk(or think they walk) only in the light or good side, others are walk a dark path(maybe they wanted a cookie), but I choose to straddle the the line between the two.

I do my best to raise my daughters with morals, but I also teach them to never take crap from anyone. I have to admit some days and some people make raising them this way and walking this line very hard at times. On more than one occasion, I have been tempted to go full on evil, but I will not set out to harm anyone; I am not above giving Karma a helping hand. 

I often meditate to help me to walk my line, to keep my balance. I say my line because it's a line I have drawn for myself, it's where I have found my balance, and have my moral compass set to. Not everyone has the same line/moral compass. What some may find bad or wrong, others are ok with doing. It's up to each of us to find our own balance, I find my balance in my family and in nature, I also find it in the wonderful community I have found through blogs, Facebook, and YouTube. It helps to know their are others out there walking a tightrope, and trying to stay balanced.

Where do you find your balance?

Stop by Pagan Culture and read more from the wonderful bloggers who have joined the "All Hallow's Grim" blog party, just check the side bar for more.


  1. I saw what you did there with the comment about a cookie! I've never seen these cookies the Dark Side insists it has. You're absolutely right about balance, though. We achieve it or we all fall down.

    1. LOL that was totally influenced by my hubby. I love what you said "We achieve it or we all fall down"

  2. I hear you Sister.....it is a fine line to balance on, and I will admit mine can get a bit "wonky" as I side step many who claim to be righteous while hosting darker thoughts than I would allow myself. Stay strong, and Blessed Be :D XXX

    1. In my life those who claim to be righteous, have done the most damage.

  3. I agree we all need to find our individual balance. If asked I'd say I was in the grey. I find as I get older more and more things in life fall into grey areas and each has to be judged on individual merits. I'm not sure life has ever been as black and white as some like to make out. Like you I have my own code of ethics on which my personal lines are drawn. Even the gods I respect fall between the grey, not without faults, mistakes or times of strife. Yet it's from those things we all often learn our greatest lessons and strengths.

  4. Raise your daughters with morals... Good! Raise them not to take any crap... Even better :)

    1. You are absolutely right, we live by the law of "Harm none, but take no shit" :)

  5. The best parents raise their children to think for themselves. You can strip your throat telling them what's good and what's bad in your head, but if they can't think for themselves then they will be lost. So yes, it's all about balance. And a balanced life--between goodness and the things that are difficult to place--there is a lot of thinking.

    Lovely post!

    1. Thank you Magaly, My girls definitely have minds of their own, sometimes it's a challenge, but I love them no matter what.
