August 29, 2014

An Exciting Time Full Of Changes!!!

The past week has been full of excitement for me, and that excitement has led to some big decisions being made; those decisions are leading to big changes for me.

The first big change is at 41 years old I'm going back to school!!! Let me explain; I have been passionate about crystal healing and for that matter all things concerning holistic healing, I have toyed with the idea of becoming a Certified Crystal Healer; I have also had to deal with most of the people in my life putting me down and telling me what I can't do, so I have been hesitant about getting my certification.

This Image was found on Google

Getting certified has been weighing on me a lot lately so I decided to talk to my husband about it and express my passion about it; to my surprise(I don't know why I was surprised) told me if that's what I wanted to do then I should do it.

So I found a great school and teacher(both are certified and accredited), the only problem is the cost; I have 3 teenage daughters one of which is a senior this year and that cost a ton of money and as much as I want to be selfish and use and extra money on myself, my daughters have always and will always come first. So I decided to ask for help and started a Go Fund Me campaign.

I feel really awkward doing this, I don't like feeling like a beggar, but I truly want to become certified and take that certification and help others.

That leads to the second part of the big changes. My best friend "L" approached me and ask if I wanted to start a holistic wellness center with her. I was like "ok this is weird" I explained to her about my conversation with my hubby and what my plans were; We both agreed that it was meant to be.

This is extremely important to me, I did not finish high school, and have been put down or that my entire adult life. So I not only want to do this for myself but to prove to my daughters that if you put your mind to it you can do anything no matter what others think or say.

If you can help that's great, if not I understand and all I ask is you share this link with others,

Many Blessings



  1. Oh my gosh! GOOD LUCK! Yes, you can do anything, if you just extend yourself in the right direction!

    1. Thank you so much Rhissanna, I hope to be able to start in the next few months,

  2. Donated and Joined your blog. I feel terrible as I thought I had already joined your blog. So, sorry it's taken so long. *Looks around* Any chips? Beer? Oh, I see Oliver! =)

    1. No Beer, I do serve tea and margaritas from time to time :-) Thank you so much!!!!

      Yes I like to keep Oliver close, never know when I may need his services :-)

  3. Will you be getting your GED? then continuing to Crystal Healing? You must show your girls that education is the only way.
    Oh, a little secret , the more nay Sayers the more CORRECT or path....
    You have a wonderful group of virtual friend wishing you Success! xoDebi

    1. Thank you for being so supportive Debi, and yes I'll will be getting my GED I have a learning disability similar to dyslexia but with numbers and it makes math really hard for me; my oldest daughter who is a senior this year has been helping me with this, she's an angel :-)

  4. Admitting that we need help doesn't make us beggars; just human beings with the courage of saying, "Yes, I need a hand to get up and make things better." That's courage and your daughters will be proud. You aren't my mom and I'm proud! And thank gods you aren't, just imagine the scandal if you would have birthed me when you were just a baby. ;-)

    Off to do my bit! ♥

    1. Oh the scandal LOL I would be proud if you were :-) thank you Magaly, I'm sure they are but I guess I still feel the need to prove something :-/
