November 2, 2014

Blooming Howls & Conjured Kisses

I'd like to start by saying thank you for all your thoughts and well wishes for my mom, she came home from the hospital today and is resting the best she can; our next step is agreeing on an in home nurse to be with her when one of us can't be and getting all her doctors on the same page; YAY!!

Now onto the fun...

In a few weeks we will be blessed by new writings from that awesomely wicked writer, of course I'm speaking of our darling Magaly Guerrero and her new book Blooming Howls. I'm looking forward to it and I hope you are too!!!

Speaking of Blooming Howls...

During Magaly's "Crafting Blooming Howls" blog party I was lucky enough to win one of the many giveaways. I was so very happy to when the following yumminess from Alchemy & Ashes...

I have been using both this amazing soap and lip balm since they arrived and I have to say I'm in love!!! My skin feels amazing and smells so yummy; if you have not visited Alchemy & Ashes yet, then start clicking and get over there.

Well I'm off to dream sweet dreams, blessings to you all.



  1. Sure was Month of fun, wasn't it?

  2. Looking forward to another STuNNIng! read from our favorite wickedness!
    Congratulations on the yummy gift! We are all here to keep you chuckling through Life! xoxoDebi

  3. I'm looking forward as well. And I'm totally jealous of your yummy soap and lip balm! ;-D
