April 24, 2020

Rediscovering Me

I know it's been a while since I have posted anything, just over a year, and oh, what a year it has been...

So, from a few post back you know I started my year finding out I have a benign tumor (Lucy) on my adrenal gland. After all the fun from Lucy was said and done, I was diagnosed with Microcytic anemia (basically my blood cells are tiny and have a hard time keeping iron in my body), so I had to have two rounds of iron infusions.

Getting my first infusion and taking a Crystal Healing class at the same time.

After I finished all of that, I thought things were getting back to normal; I finished my second Certified Crystal Healing course, my oldest started her senior year of college and my youngest her Sr year of high school; everything was going smoothly. The...BAM! The rug got pulled out from under me.

I went to my orthopedic doctor in Mid-October because of some sciatic pain,; two doctors later, I found out that my spine was literally twisted (see pics below). On November 14th, I had major back surgery. It took two rods & six screws to straighten me out (well mostly LOL).

Before Surgery

After Surgery
 I am now five months post surgery and doing pretty good; I'm not quite 100% but better than I was.

Recently I have been helping a lady create a blog and doing some graphics work for her; in doing so I got a little home sick for my own blog and I decided I needed to blog, and I mean deep in my soul I needed to write a new post.

We have a lot going on in the world right now with the Covid-19 virus, and people being quarantined and off work all need an outlet. This blog has always been mine, and I am so happy to be back to it.



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