March 8, 2013

Under The Weather and Updates

Hey guys I know I have not posted a lot here on the blog or on the Facebook page, I am having a bad health week all the way around, I have a tooth that literally broke in half and is now abscessed, it will be a few weeks before I can have it removed. The tooth issue is reeking havoc on my diabetes because eating is very difficult.

OK enough with what's wrong lets talk about whats coming up!!!

We will be having a guest blogger this month in honor of Ostara and I am really excited to have her join us, now I'm keeping who she is a secret for now but I may drop hints from time to time, I will tell you she will be guesting on  Friday March 29th.

Also I have been working on a few crafting idea's as well as perfecting my natural beauty care products, I'll post pics and recipes soon. I hope to be back on a whole lot more after this tooth issue is resolved, I will be on from time to time posting this and that.

Thank you all for understanding.



1 comment:

  1. *hugs* Hope you feel better soon! I've had 2 abscess teeth & they were some of the worst pain I've ever experienced. Excited for what you have coming up! ♥
