January 14, 2024

I Just Wanted a Cheeseburger.....

 After a long day of packing, then moving boxes into storage and my daughter's apartment all I wanted was to go home (my mother-in-law) cook, and eat some cheeseburgers; the cooking and eating did happen, but not without drama yet again.

Let me explain, I was in the kitchen grilling burgers on my smokeless grill and slicing tomatoes, in walks my mother-in-law wanted to know why I was slicing tomatoes on the cutting board, my response was "Because it's a cutting board"  Then she tells me she has a smaller one in a bottom cabinet I should have used. I just went about finishing the tomato and then cleaned and dried the cutting board. Dinner finished we sat down to a yummy dinner of cheeseburgers and a side of pork rinds.

Dinner is over and it's time to clean up the kitchen, I ask my husband to go dump the grease from the grill, well hell that started World War Three, or ten or a million at this point.

First, she wants us to pour the grease and water mixture into a glass jar and then throw that away, then she starts in on the grill itself. "how are you going to clean the grill?" "I think you should wipe it down before washing it," I told her "After it cleans completely I'll wash it in hot water" Nope not good enough, so I left the kitchen and had planned on not going back in there until she was out of there because I am trying to not argue with her or stress myself out over her craziness.  

My hubby goes to take the grease out (his way) and she starts in on him telling him that he has to do things the way she wants them and that we need to start doing things the way she wants them done in this house. 

Look I'm not stupid I know this is her house and she does things a certain way, but that should not mean that everyone else should have to do everything the way she does, people have their own way of doing things; I don't go telling her how to do things, even when I know a better way.

She has even gone as far as telling me when I'm not doing something in the kitchen her way "I don't care what your mom, aunt, or granny taught you in the kitchen, they didn't teach you correctly" Excuse Me! The hell you say. 

I'm tired and don't know how much more of this craziness I can take, but I do know one thing...

Next time I want a cheeseburger I'll get one from a restaurant.

This has got to get better, it has to right?


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